The average American wastes $2500 per year in food waste

That’s an amazing fact from an article I read in the Indiana Beef Magazine, Winter 2019; Beef Sustainability: Balancing environmental, social and economic impacts.

Beef Harvest Schedule

May 2, 2022 June 6, 2022 July 11, 2022 August 8, 2022 September 19, 2022 October 10, 2022 November No Harvest December 12, 2022

Cutting meat consumption could cause harm Check out the link above for a great article on how we need meat in our diets.

Feeding cattle during floods & droughts

With all the rain and floods we had this spring and the drought this summer we have to change things up in order to keep food on the cattle’s dinner…

Taxing Producers Because Cows Poop

I am so upset on where politics is getting involved in our food chain. They are putting so much energy and talk into blaming cattle for climate change. Some are…